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Prohibitions | Car Rental FAQ

Prohibitions - Related FAQ
At Hertz Malaysia, we aim to ensure a safe, pleasant, and comfortable experience for all our customers. This includes abiding by certain prohibitions to maintain the quality of our vehicles and uphold a standard of cleanliness and hygiene.

In this FAQ section, we provide you with essential information regarding prohibited items and actions during your car rental experience with Hertz. It's vital to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Question: Can I bring durian in the car?

No, you cannot bring durians or any items discharging unpleasant odors into the vehicle. This includes goods like salted fish and similar items. Hertz maintains a strict policy in prohibiting anything that emits strong and unpleasant odors. In the event that this policy is violated, the renter will be held liable for all costs associated with eliminating such odors. This includes servicing the entire air conditioner system and compensating Hertz for the loss of rental days.

Question: Can I smoke in the car?

No, smoking is strictly prohibited in all Hertz vehicles. We maintain a no-smoking policy to ensure a clean and pleasant environment for all our customers. Violation of this policy may result in penalties and additional cleaning charges.

If you have any specific queries beyond what's covered here, don't hesitate to reach out to our team for clarification on our Contact Us page.